Window Films: Benefits and Protection From Sun Damage

Your windows have such a critical role in the comfortability of your home. The design of the windows can tie the whole room together! However, windows don’t come without their problems. The sun is necessary, yet incredibly powerful. You want to let the light in, but you don’t want any of the damage that comes with it. 

Have you ever noticed your carpet fade over the years due to sun exposure? Or have you ever had to turn off the TV at a certain time because of the glare? 

Window films can help dial the direct sun down, but keep that warm light radiating through your home. I love serving New Jersey homeowners by solving a variety of problems with minimal window films! These films are a thin, strong, polyester layer that cover your windows. 

Why should you choose Window Films?

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  1. UV Protection
    Window films protect us, our furniture and carpets from the damaging effects of the sun. 

    Health risks. You can get actually get skin damage from being inside if you are not careful. The sun can sneak up on us, without us knowing. Overtime this can be harmful to our skin. Glass itself doesn’t protect from the dangerous UV rays that break down collagen in our skin, causing wrinkles. Damage can be more serious, including increasing your risk for diseases like cancer. 

    Fading. The UV rays also damage our furniture and over time they will fade! It won’t happen in a day, but it will definitely happen. After all of the time you spent designing your beautiful home, it would be such a shame for the sun to destroy some of your favorite pieces. 

    Window films are small, mighty. Most window films are effective for providing 99.9% UV protection. Without changing the appearance of your windows, this seems like a no brainer! I am happy to help walk you through the process of protecting your home with window films. 

  2. Energy Saving 
    Windows can be a big culprit for letting cold inside in the winter, and heat inside in the summer. Despite being thin, window films provide excellent temperature control, so your heating and cooling systems don’t have to work so hard. Imagine what this could do to your monthly bills! The films can keep anywhere from 60-79% of the outside heat from coming into your home. 

  3. Glare
    Glare is a common reason why people enjoy window films so much. Let’s face it - glare is annoying! Window films reduce this glare, so you don’t have to close your blinds in the middle of the day. Enjoy that sun all day long!

  4. Protection & Privacy 
    If you still need a reason to believe just how life-changing window films can be, this is something you’ll want to read. Window films have helped protect homes from break-ins and broken glass. The layer over the window keeps the glass together, even if it gets broken. Families can rest easy at night, knowing they made their windows a more reliable line of defense! 
    There are plenty of different kinds of window films. If your goal is privacy, you can look into tinted or frosted designs.

  5. Aesthetic
    Let’s not forget about the look! This is a budget friendly way to compliment or change your aesthetic. A simple window film can enhance your entire room. With plenty of options to choose from, you’ll be able to find the best fit for your style and goals. 

Getting your window films: So now you know of this simple way to improve your home, without taking any of the beauty away from your windows! Ready to get started? 

I’m also a certified window specialist, so feel free to let me know if you have questions about motorized shades, blackout shades, automated window coverings, window film , window solar film, or other window coverings.

Contact me for a complimentary consultation!